Last week, I got the amazing opportunity to interview one of my favorite fashion bloggers, Tania from Fresh Fizzle, so I'll be sharing my questions and her answers with you today. I chanced across her fashion blog not too long ago, but instantly fell in love with it. No joke. I went through every single one of her posts in the matter of two days. It is that good.
She has an adorable, very cute look, but her impeccable fashion sense can be very fierce, as well as girly and bohemian. Plus, the photography in her pictures is amazing! I'm so jealous! But anyways, let's let Tania speak for herself!
1. Since you don't have an About page, please tell us a little about yourself and what you do?
As long as I can remember, I've always been into fashion. I grew up with three older brothers and had to wear their hand-me-downs growing up, so I think becoming super girly as soon as I got the chance to was kind of my rebellion against that. It wasn't until I was halfway through college though that I thought I could possibly pursue it as a career. Currently, I do quality assurance for Google Shopping which is a very monotonous but flexible and there for very convenient and ideal-for-me job. I love it, but because it asks for so little from me, I feel the need to channel my energy and create a little something, and that's how my blog was born.
Well "Tanfizzle" was a nickname given to me by my friends one drunken night and so it's been my handle for a long time. Over time it got shortened to "Fizzle" or just "Fizz." I'm a big fan of alliteration so I came up with the name "Fresh Fizzle" cuz I thought it sounded catchy, and the idea was that you could visit my blog to find the latest on what I've been wearing and what I've been up to. I really wanted just "Fresh Fizz" actually but the domain name had a squatter on it so I would've had to pay $350 -_-'
3. Haha, well I like Fresh Fizzle. In just three words, how would you describe your style?
I would say it's...free-spirited, feminine, and fresh =)
4. What are your 5 essential pieces of clothing?
I think a pair of flattering jeans is a must for everyone. I like stretchy/jegging type pairs because they are most comfortable. Other than that, a leather moto jacket, a denim button-up, a Bretton-striped sweater or top, and a neutral-colored blazer are definite must-haves in building a wardrobe.
5. Shoes or bags person?
I never really thought about it but I guess I'm more of a shoes person. I actually kind of skimp on bags because they usually feel like more of an investment! I should probably think about buying more bags.
6. What is your favorite trend this fall?
I'm excited about a lot of fall trends, but the one I'm probably liking most are baseball jackets and caps! It's a very cute "borrowed from the boys" look. I'm also loving lux "baroque" prints and of course anything burgundy, bordeaux, wine, or aubergine, but of course the keyword seems to be "oxblood" this season. I think Pantone got it wrong when they named Tangerine the color of 2012 because I can't seem to go ten minutes without hearing about "oxblood"!
7. Haha, I see, going back to your childhood of wearing your brothers' hand-me-downs. (;
One last question. When you're not blogging, what are you most likely doing?
Just the usual things that every one does I guess. Blogging is my main hobby and it takes up most of my free time. I've actually had to cut out most of my favorite TV shows because I just don't have time on top of work and blogging! But, if you think about it, blogging involves a culmination of my hobbies--fashion/trends, writing, styling, photography, and even eating =).
Thank you Tania!
Hype Tania on lookbook
Hype Tania on lookbook
Follow Tania on her blog
(Thanks for reading;)