Simple half summer half winter look, featuring floral shorts and a purple sweater with a ridiculously high collar but too soft and warm not to wear. Sorry I don't have much variety when it comes to shoes, but converse are honestly the easiest for me to pull on and walk around during school.
Also, thank you to Mara from I Like Your Ears and Mars from Soul Blabber for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Too lazy to write an actual post about it, but thank you very much!
And might as well say this now since I'm been too lazy (again) to write a post about this, but if you're in the mood to do some online shopping, definitely check out Mochi Beaucoup, an online site that has a bunch of super adorable and quirky jewelry for incredibly reasonable prices! You can get 20% by typing in the code Sprinkle20MB. Easy as that!
Just one more thing: it's already April! Whoa, what... but hello summer. (:

purple vneck
jcpenney floral shorts
chain belt
white converse
(Thanks for reading;)