I'm so honored and thrilled to be awarded with the Liebster Blog Award, an accolade for bloggers under 200 followers who " you believe deserves some recognition" by Fenni from astorytohear.blogspot.com, who has one of the loveliest blogs here.
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
4. Reveal your 5 blog picks. (I only picked three; hope that's alright.)
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.
So, I would like to nominate, in no particular order:
Runaway in LA, Silver Scented, and Trampling Ice Cream.
If you have time, please check these girls out, and thank you once again, Fenni, for the award!