December 20, 2011

Maybe I'm a little bit over my head..

 I come undone at the things he said, 
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt;
We were all in love and we all got hurt;
-Vanessa Carlton's White Houses (old, but I love it.)

Typical school girl outfit. Even the pieces are from typical teenager girl stores, like f21 and Charlotte Russe. I rarely shop there, because so many girls shop there, the pieces lack originality, and not to mention, quality. Before I even wore one of f21's sweaters I bought, I had already seen two girls at my school wear the exact same one, and when I decided to wear it, I discovered a hole in the sleeve. However, sometimes I just can't resist, ignore what my brain and past experiences tell me, and pick up some cardigans.

And believe it or not, this is the first winter I haven't cringed about having to wear jeans, the only suitable type of pants when it comes to surviving cold winter days, thanks to these black skinny jeans that feel more like velvet than actual denim. 

Chocollateee... Yum, this was such an impulsive buy: They were on sale at Target for 3 dollars each, and being there with my friend, we just started grabbing and fangirl-ing over all the chocolates. Haha.
circle scarf from charlotte russe
cardigan from f21
basic grey tee
black jeans from celebrity pink jeans
shoes from payless
(Thanks for reading;)